Provide households with low cost and hassle-free energy and telecom services.
The Nuts Groep provides low cost and hassle-free energy and telecom services with various brands in The Netherlands and Belgium. In 2008 we started as an energy supplier and have now transformed into a supplier of multi-utility services. We supply our multi-utility services under the umbrella brand 'Budget Thuis'. The sub brands are 'Budget Energie' (electricity and gas), 'Budget Alles-in-1' (broadband, TV and telephony) and 'Budget Mobiel' (sim only). Together with 'Elegant’ we provide energy, broadband and mobile services to more than 1 million households in the Netherlands and Belgium. Turnover figures for 2022 are more than € 1100 million. Since 2017, investment company Waterland has a share of 50% in the Nuts Groep.
Provide households with low cost and hassle-free energy and telecom services.
Some services you just have to have at home. Broadband internet for example. And electricity and gas. Otherwise nothing works. It usually doesn't matter who supplies it, as long as it works and costs as little as possible.
In 2008 Nuts Groep (Dutch for 'Utility Group') started as an energy company. First with Atoomstroom, an electricity brand for nuclear power. After the 2011 tsunami in Japan and subsequent Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, nuclear energy became unsaleable. We therefore converted Atoomstroom into Budget Energie, a price fighter selling green electricity and gas. After Waterland Investments became 50% owner in 2017, NLE (Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij) was acquired in 2018. This was the first step towards a broader service provision. In addition to energy, NLE also supplied internet, television and fixed telephony under the name NLEx. In 2019, the multi-utility strategy was accelerated by the acquisition of Robin Mobile and the product portfolio was expanded to include mobile telephony. There was a need for an umbrella brand for a wider range of services. That is why the umbrella brand Budget Thuis was launched in January 2020. NLEx continued under the new name "Budget All-in-1" (Internet, TV and Calling) and Robin Mobile was renamed "Budget Mobile" (Sim Only). In December 2021, Budget Energie took over all customers of energy supplier Fenor.
> Organizational chart Nuts GroepThe Nuts Groep employs about 475 employees. The head office is located in the center of Amsterdam.
The Nuts Groep is characterized by an open culture that attracts, retains and inspires talent. We have developed a truly diverse team with a ‘no nonsense’ and ‘can do’ mentality. We highlyand doing it ourselves, because rely on our own people and capabilities. We try to do a little better every day and make sustainable energy and good telecom services affordable for everyone.
Visiting address:
Reguliersdwarsstraat 58
1017BM Amsterdam
+31 20 205 09 72